Announcing Our Guests At Our 40th AGM
It is with great pleasure that we can announce our guests for this years AGM which will be held at Grove Green on Tuesday 15th May.

ing. At yesterdays Region 2 South East Forum it was confirmed that Mike’s first group visit will be the Kent Group. Mike started his roll as CEO on 23rd April. His previous roll was CEO of the national House Building Council. With three decades of leadership experience we’re sure that the IAM will benefit hugely. We not only wish Mike all the best for his new position at the IAM but also welcome Mike to our group for the evening. Read more about Mike Quinton here

It will be your chance to hear what Mike and Pat has to say for the future of the IAM and your chance to ask questions.
We welcome Mike and Pat to the Kent Group and hope that all attending will have an interesting and enjoyable evening.
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