Our AGM Awards
Each year Chairman Linda Davis has the grand opportunity to hand out awards to group members for outstanding work and contribution to the group and the IAM cause, test passes and years of service awards.
First Aid at Work
The Group decided to have trained 4 members on the Red Cross First Aider at Work course and Chairman Linda Davis was pleased to announce that all 4 volunteers qualified with flying colours. Congratulations to John Bowman, Trevor Cobb, Mike Ingram and Cynthia Merritt.
First Aid At Work - (Top left, Trevor Cobb, top right, Mike Ingram, bottom, Cynthia Merritt and John Bowman |
Contribution to the Group
To keep the group feed and watered each month at our Grove Green Centre and for each social evening, Christine runs a friendly, but tight ship in the tea room. Christine is also renowned for her Christmas quiz evening food. Linda was unable to present gratitude of thanks over the Christmas period last year, so was delighted to present beautiful flowers to Christine for all her hard work in the kitchen. Thank you Christine.
Stan Hawkins Certificate
This award goes to a very popular guy who works tirelessly for the Group always keeping us in the public eye. Despite being married less than a year and having a very demanding full time job he still finds time to run our website and social media. He is regularly seen lurking with his camera taking pictures of our proud Associates with their pass Certificates to post on the Blog Congratulations to Graham Aylard-Poxon
Chairman’s Awards
Chairmans Award - Richard Thomas and Stan Hawkins Certificate - Graham Aylard-Poxon |
Our membership Secretary will be abandoning us as this year unfortunately Richard will be Spending more time with his lovely wife Sandra and walking the dogs instead of dealing with the daily stress of who has/hasn’t paid their subs and whether HQ will ever answer emails.
Richard has been ‘in charge’ of Group membership for the last sixteen years and what an excellent job he has done - he will be a hard act to follow! Thank you to Richard Thomas, and best wishes for your ‘retirement’ and don’t be a stranger.
We often have unsung hero’s of the Group that beaver away in the background and this guy is no exception. He works 7 days a week for us both on the computer and telephone. He is a member of the Observer Management Team, an Observer, Quiz Master an excellent Chauffeur and can always be relied upon.
Big thank you and congratulations to Our Group’s Associate Co-ordinator Terry Nunn
(A big apology to Terry for not capturing him on camera on the night)
Years of Service
Chairman Linda Davis also presented certificates to Andy Houghton for 25 years of service as an Observer and David Ibbott for 30 years service as an Observer. Well done to both gentleman.David Ibbott 30 Years of service to the Kent Group of Advanced Motorists |
National Observer Pass
Chairman Linda Davis invited our guest speaker Stuart Haythorn IAM Roadsmart Region 2 Area Service Delivery Manager to present Alan Rowe with his National Observer pass certificate. Congratulations to Alan.Alan Rowe being presented with his National Observers Pass Certificate by Stuart Haythorn |
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