Happy New Year

Covid-19 has dominated our lives for most of the year. We've been in isolation, social distanced and going about our business wearing masks and not shaking hands or giving our loved ones a hug. Some people has suffered dearly on a personal level, be it out of work or a loss of loved one. Essential businesses have been kept open. Non essential business have had spells of closure, some permanent. Many have worked from home, lots have learnt how to use Zoom to stay connected with work and distance family. 2020 has been a very different and difficult year for all.

Here at the Kent Group of Advanced Motorists we've been unable to maintain social distances during our sessions. In car tutorials are by default, less than 2 meters. We had a short spell of resumed services in the autumn, but the second lockdown and Kent entering into Tier 3 then 4 had put pay to that for the rest of 2020. As I write this the second vaccine has been approved. Hope that the Covid situation will end soon. Our lives will return to normal, or maybe a new normal - who knows.

We hope by the summer, our services will have resumed. We'll be able to resume helping drivers gain confidence behind the wheel. Help improve drivers skills and awareness and carryout observed driving sessions. Our observers are keen. And when the time is right, when it's safe to resume - we'll be ready - that is for sure. 

This means that 2021 starts with hope for a full restart, but it will end with success stories of associates passing tests and achieving new skills and confidence. Let's put 2020 behind as and look forward to a new beginning. 2021 will be a different year again - but for the right reasons, I'm sure. 

Stay Safe 
Happy New Year.

Post written by Graham Aylard-Poxon
