Become more attractive to your loved one on Valentine’s Day … by being a better


Become more attractive to your loved one on Valentine's Day … by being a better driver!


For all those hopeless romantics out there, IAM RoadSmart has a great way to make you more attractive to your special someone this Valentine's Day – and it's (almost) guaranteed to make you more attractive to them!

The first 14 people (see what we did there?) that answer the Valentine's themed question that will be posted on our Twitter and Facebook pages at 9.30am on 14 February can have the course at a bargain £99 – that's one-third off.

IAM RoadSmart conducted a scientific experiment which showed bad driving reduces attractiveness by 50%. It also found four in five women and nearly half of men are physically turned off by bad driving.

Pulse rates increase by as much as 20% when watching bad driving, showing significant levels of stress.

Bad driving significantly reduces levels of attractiveness in potential partners, with women finding it particularly off-putting.

IAM RoadSmart teamed up with prominent behavioural psychologist Jo Hemmings for the study.

Candidates were shown videos of both good and bad driving whilst being tested for their levels of attraction towards the driver using pulse rate, pupil dilation, blink rate and body language.

Attractiveness dropped from 4.8 to 2.8 in women proving the most significant reduction, with 84% of candidates reporting more negative feelings towards the driver after experiencing their incompetence on the road.

The pulse rate of 60% of female candidates increased whilst watching bad driving manoeuvres, with a 20% increase for a third indicating a significant rise in stress levels.

And it's the aggressive and confrontational manoeuvres that were found to be most unattractive to women – with road rage, illegal overtaking and tailgating topping a list of gaffes that provoke the strongest negative reactions.

In contrast, reactions in men were found to be less significant, with just over a quarter (28%) reporting a dislike for the driver after seeing them behind the wheel.

Body language indicators showed that for men, instead of stress, frustration was the overwhelming response. Candidates were found to frown, become agitated and shift position as they watched videos of parking, turning the car around or other examples of distracted or preoccupied behaviours.

Jo Hemmings explains: "There is no doubt that across the board most candidates, and nearly all of the women, found bad driving to be a turn-off. However, it's interesting to look at the reactions of different genders. Some male reactions to bad driving included laughter and amusement, indicating that men have a less mature emotional response to bad driving than women who instead furrowed their brows and shook their heads."

Top driving behaviours that turn off women:

1. Illegal overtaking

2. Road rage

3. Bad parking

4. Texting whilst driving

5. Three point turn

6. Three point turn

7. Talking selfies at the wheel

8. Texting whilst driving

9. Driving the wrong way round a roundabout

10. Bad parking

The experiment follows IAM RoadSmart independent research which uncovered bad driving as one of the UK's biggest first date turn-offs. Road rage was the worst first-date faux pas for almost half (46%) of Brits, whilst a similar number say texting at the wheel leaves them wanting to end a date then and there.

A further one in 10 (11%) are irritated by someone who takes 15 minutes to park, whilst an eighth of Brits (13%) find overly cautious drivers who go under the speed limit off-putting.

And finally … Brits pick up on the driving skills of a date – good or bad - within the first 65 seconds of getting in the car.

To watch our video on the subject click here:

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IAM RoadSmart has a mission to make better drivers and riders in order to improve road safety, inspire confidence and make driving and riding enjoyable. It does this through a range of courses for all road users, from online assessments through to the advanced driving and riding tests. IAM RoadSmart is the trading name of all businesses operated by the UK's largest road safety charity, the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) and was formed in April 2016 combining the IAM, IAM Drive & Survive, PDS and IAM Driver Retraining Academy. The organisation has 92,000 members and campaigns on road safety on their behalf. At any one time there are over 7,000 drivers and riders actively engaged with IAM RoadSmart's courses, from members of the public to company drivers, while our Driver Retraining Academy has helped 2,500 drivers to shorten their bans through education and support programmes.

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