Summer Summer Summertime!
From V Festival to garden BBQs, the UK summer season offers something for everybody. In many cases that's booze. Here are some summer driving safety tips from, IAM RoadSmart's head of driving and riding standards, Richard Gladman.
Be a Zero Hero! We recommend staying off the booze and take as much time providing a range of alcohol free drinks as you would choosing beers and wines for your BBQ or festival trip.
No means no! If you have been drinking or are potentially a passenger of a drunk driver, don't be afraid to say no and get a cab or even walk.
The only cure is time. There is nothing you can do to speed up the process of alcohol leaving your system. Having a cup of coffee, glass of water, or a cold shower, won't do anything at all to get rid of the alcohol.
Name and shame. If you notice someone about to drink and drive try reasoning with them or take their keys away, but if you see it is getting out of hand call the police. If you are at a festival, tell someone who is marshalling - you could be saving several lives.
The penalties for drug driving are the same as for drink driving. Taking drugs can impair reactions, alter perception and judgement, slow decision making, reduce concentration and cause tiredness. It also can affect attitudes increasing confidence, taking risks and, more aggressive behaviour. For prescription and over the counter medicines always read the label.
If you have been drinking all weekend then it is quite likely that you will be unfit to drive for the whole of the day following the festival. Get a lift - it's what parents were designed for. J
Richard said "You as a driver or passenger are in control. Be firm but pleasant, even though people won't always listen. Look out for your friends, stay safe and enjoy the summer."
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