Nigel Mansell backs drive to improve standards with IAM

In a major drive to improve the driving standards amongst motorists, the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) is offering a free advanced driving taster session to any UK licence holder.

The campaign to receive an assessment of your driving standards has won the backing of someone who knows a thing or two about top quality driving - 1992 Formula 1 World Champion and IAM President Nigel Mansell CBE.

The campaign, called Love Driving, has just been launched by the IAM, the UK's biggest independent road safety charity. It takes the light-hearted approach that bad driving is a turn-off to someone of the opposite sex – not only can bad motoring habits cause an accident and injury at the worst; it can also put a damper on you meeting Mr or Ms Right!

The informal, 60-minute session will be carried out by a qualified assessor from the IAM and will take place in your own car. There are no special insurance requirements – you only need to hold a valid UK driving licence.

The taster sessions are part of the IAM's ongoing goal to improve the riding and driving standards of road users and cut the numbers of those killed and seriously injured on our roads.

The IAM also wants motorists to derive more enjoyment from their driving, be less stressed and less prone to road-rage as a result of gaining those extra skills.

The taster sessions, normally worth £39 a person, must be booked by 31 December this year.

To take advantage of the free sessions, which are available in England and Wales, please visit the webpage

Nigel said: "Everyone can benefit from advice on how to drive better. The IAM is offering an amazing free opportunity to give every driver out there a chance to be a safer, more efficient motorist. Each and every one of us has a responsibility to look out for each other on the roads.

"Unlike Formula 1, driving on our roads is not a competition. Keep the racing for the track, and take a responsible attitude on the roads so you end your journey smiling, not scowling and your trips will become much more enjoyable and safer."

Sarah Sillars, IAM chief executive officer, added: "Nigel is right - this is also a great opportunity for people to do something they have no doubt been putting off for a long time. Everyone gets into a few bad habits in their driving over the months and years, and this is the perfect opportunity to put that right.

"The free taster is an enjoyable low-pressure way of sharpening up those skills, pointing out any areas that need attention, and perhaps pave the way for taking part in one of our other courses.

"This is an unprecedented opportunity for drivers, wherever they are in England and Wales, to get a very valuable taster session by an acknowledged expert in the field."
